Funny Song: The AssHole Song

For all assholes out there, this must be your theme song - The Asshole Song. Haha!

The song sounds like it might be sung by Jimmy Buffett and in fact many people mistakenly credit Buffett with the song, however the song was written and sung by Fred "August" Campbell and is on Pantera Records released in 1983. His group was called August and the Spur of the Moment Band. It was recorded at Ocean Sound Studios in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and engineered by Mike Couzzi. You might also find it on a CD called The Copulation Compilation (1991) by Mobile Productions or Mobile Record Service Company. You should also be able to find it on your favorite mp3 sharing service.

The I-95 Asshole Song was the B-Side to a song (which I don't believe I have ever listened to) called Lost Horizons.

If you prefer to listen or watch the animated one, click here: Asshole Song.

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